
H.E. Sharif Salim Al-Olama
H.E. Sharif Salim Al-OlamaUndersecretary for Energy & Petroleum AffairsMinistry of Energy and Infrastructure UAE
Dr. Alexandra-Maria Bocşe
Dr. Alexandra-Maria BocşeState Adviser on Climate and SustainabilityRomanian Presidential Administration
Kate Rich
Kate RichDeputy Minister, Policy, Environment and Protected AreasAlberta
Khaled Nageib
Khaled NageibCEOHydrogen Egypt
Pedro Campos
Pedro CamposDirector, Business Development H2 and eSAFSmartenergy
Dr. Charlotte Kirk
Dr. Charlotte KirkHead of Technology InvestmentsFortescue Future Industries
Nawal Alhanaee
Nawal AlhanaeeDirector of Future EnergyMinistry of Energy and Infrastructure, UAE
Ju Wang
Ju WangSecretary GeneralIHFCA
John Hartley
John HartleyCEOLevidian
Dr. Jürgen Guldner
Dr. Jürgen GuldnerGeneral Project Manager Hydrogen Technology and Vehicle ProjectsBMW Group
Jonas Moberg
Jonas MobergCEOGreen Hydrogen Organisation
Marieke Abbink-Pellenbarg
Marieke Abbink-PellenbargManaging DirectorNew Energy Coalition
Jabri Ibrahim
Jabri IbrahimAfrica Green Hydrogen LeadHigh-Level Climate Champions
Bill Newsom
Bill NewsomPresident and CEOMitsubishi Power Americas
Cornelius Matthes
Cornelius MatthesCEOMENA Hydrogen Alliance
Jorgo Chatzimarkakis
Jorgo ChatzimarkakisCEOHydrogen Europe
Craig Broussard
Craig BroussardPresident, CEO and Board ChairAces Delta
Prof. Mani Sarathy
Prof. Mani SarathyProfessorKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Prof. Dr. David Hart
Prof. Dr. David HartPartnerERM
Dr. Javier Cavada
Dr. Javier CavadaPresident and CEO, Europe, Middle East and AfricaMitsubishi Power
Dr. Dolf Gielen
Dr. Dolf GielenHydrogen LeadWorld Bank
Ignacio de Calonje
Ignacio de CalonjeChief Investment Officer - Energy, Green Hydrogen, Mining & Sustainable FinanceIFC
Rumaitha Al Busaidi
Rumaitha Al BusaidiBusiness Development ManagerHydrom
Sue Brown
Sue BrownExecutive Group Director SustainabilityWorley
Michael Lewis
Michael LewisCEOUniper
Dr. Axel Wietfeld
Dr. Axel WietfeldCEOUniper Hydrogen
Gauri Singh
Gauri SinghDeputy Director-GeneralIRENA
Dr. Rasha Hasaneen
Dr. Rasha HasaneenChief Product & Sustainability OfficerAspen Technology
Daria Nochevnik
Daria NochevnikSpecial Hydrogen Advisor, COP28, Director of Policy and PartnershipsHydrogen Council
Dalia Samir
Dalia SamirCo-Founder and Business Development DirectorHydrogen Eygpt