

Moixa ( is an industry leading energy technology company that manufactures smart solar batteries and GridShare software to manage smart charging of batteries and electric vehicles.

Moixa aims for GridShare® to manage hundreds of GWh of batteries, leveraging its experience across homes in the UK, Ireland and Japan. GridShare uses AI to learn and optimise daily charging, leveraging low carbon resources and time-of-day tariffs. The software also enables utilities to aggregate and manage large fleets of batteries and electric vehicles in order to deliver flexibility services into ancillary markets and deliver superior customer propositions and savings.

Moixa’s scalable smart charging solution and AI software can be applied to all companies with large vehicle fleets to put managers in full control of their energy use and emissions. GridShare already hosts the world’s largest single fleet of domestic batteries across more than 28,000 homes in Japan, growing by more than 1,500 a month. The company is now using this experience to deliver intelligent, AI-driven optimisation for EV users and fleet operators.

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