Virtual Panel : The future of sustainable finance and responsible investing in Europe post pandemic


The future of sustainable finance and responsible investing in Europe post pandemic: What does this mean for capitalism in 2021 and beyond? Greening an inclusive recovery in times of debt distress Post pandemic recovery plans and the future of capitalism: reducing inequalities socially, economically and environmentally whilst maximising ROI in ESG. The role of the responsible investor in 2021 and beyond- adapting behaviours and practice in a post pandemic world. How should central governments and financial market participants respond to mitigating climate and global health inequalities? Will meeting the UN SDGs be impeded in post pandemic recovery phase or will there be an upsurge in momentum? What will recovery look like for emerging economies post COVID? As Europe remains a leader in sustainable and responsible investing can it become the first climate neutral continent? Impact investing - Here to stay? Can combining with ESG strategies have a greater impact?

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