Virtual Panel: Will Intelligent ESG and sustainable investing become the new norm and could the pandemic be a turning point?


Will Intelligent ESG and sustainable investing become the new norm and could the pandemic be a turning point? 2021 and beyond: what can asset managers and investors expect and will ESG be embedded into all investment practices?
The Covid-19 crisis has accentuated the importance of sustainability and resiliency. The impact of the pandemic on global economies in a short period of time has resulted in investors scrutinising how companies operate in particular their ESG practices and widened the lens of ESG investing. In the midst of seismic changes brought about by the pandemic investors are requesting greater transparency for ESG reporting. What Covid-19 is uncovering is that investors care about whether a company includes ESG issues as a fundamental part of their business in times of crisis and market stress. And with the rise of new sustainable funds, the question of how to avoid greenwashing is more prevalent.

• Are investors considering ESG transparency and reporting to manage systemic risks across portfolios?
• Implementing ESG across assets: how to effectively access data
• What are the opportunities across investments and how important is it to leverage company boards to implement true ESG? How can asset managers measure effective progress in ESG to meet to asset owners expectations?
• Greenwashing: how to avoid it? Is engagement with companies the solution?
• Divesting effectively to future proof growth
• Active versus passive investing: how are investors positioning their portfolios to incorporate ESG, thematic and ETFs?

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