Virtual Panel Debate: Women in sustainable finance- how to make it in the green economy


Women in sustainable finance- how to make it in the green economy: The sustainable finance journey: are women leading the way?
The female over-representation in sustainable investing could be viewed as positive if it is the result of competent women finding a way into finance that they otherwise wouldn’t have been able to. But it could also be viewed as negative, if it is the result of capable men not wanting to work in the field because they consider it to be of little importance. The establishment of the Sustainability Development Goals via SDG5 calls specifically for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. Recognising that women can be a powerful force of change directly calls for women to act, be involved and contribute to the change.
• Does sustainability attract women as more women feel the call to be directly involved to push forward the change? Why is the share of women much higher in sustainable investments than finance in general?

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