Virtual Panel: Meeting the UN SDGs in a post COVID recovery


Meeting the UN SDGs in a post COVID recovery: what are the hidden costs of going green? Can Europe pave the way to a sustainable recovery beyond COVID-19 and will a Biden Presidency augment the sustainable investment landscape in Europe and beyond?
Amid concerted global efforts to mitigate the economic and social consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, there is a growing interest in promoting a green recovery encouraging closer links between economic restoration and the transition towards a more sustainable economic and climate friendly model. The idea for green recovery has strong support from European countries. Accommodating concerns of developing countries through constructive dialogue is, however, crucial to ensure broad support for the global implementation of a green recovery. The European Green Deal has been confirmed as the way forward by the European Recovery Fund. It represents the greatest opportunity for Europe to accelerate strategic investments though what are the potential hidden costs of such a deal? Will it be pivotal for Europe to build a new, open, and more equitable international order forwarding the green finance agenda, sustainable investing and ESG?
• Can growth in Europe be driven by Europe?
• Will an accelerated and coherent growth strategy present unique opportunities for governments to reshape a sustainable future world and provide private and institutional investors to access attractive sustainable and responsible investments which will eventually become the norm?
• Have enhanced de-risking mechanisms offered by increased EU backed guarantees encouraged private and institutional investors to invest in more sustainable projects?
• Key developments and the implications of a Biden presidency across the region for sustainable finance and climate initiatives
• Key regulatory developments impacting distribution in Europe and worldwide
• Is there likely to be an upsurge in ESG investing in North America in 2021?
• Will President Biden accelerate the transition to a low carbon US economy and what are the implication for Europe should cross border carbon taxes be introduced?

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