European Climate Impact Strategy

European Climate Impact Strategy



A solution designed to select responsible European companies that play a role in the energy and ecological transition. A sound and innovative methodology : - The "Climate Maturity" of the companies in the investment universe is calculated using a proprietary methodology - Climate criteria are incorporated into the investment process A Unique positioning that involves all the players in the economy: - Companies providing SOLUTIONS to climate-related challenges. Companies that generate a significant part of their revenue from products and services that help reduce their customers’ CO2 emissions. -Climate change PIONEERs. Companies whose Climate Maturity is very high and whose climate pledges are very ambitious. Given their systemic impact, they are crucial for charting a course toward best practices for their ecosystems. - Companies in climate TRANSITION phase. Companies that are beginning their transition and starting to incorporate climate-related considerations into their strategy, even if there is still much to be improved. This category is crucial because you cannot play a role in climate transition without involving all the players in the economy.

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