UNEP FI Panel Discussion - Achieving net-zero across investment, insurance and banking


What will a 2050 decarbonised global economy look like and what does Net Zero mean in practice? Update on the work of the UN –convened Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance and the UN supported Banking and Insurer's Alliance Decarbonisation requires co-ordinated national and international policy- what are the likely challenges ahead and how may they be overcome?  Examining the role of banking and insurance in shaping responsible investment in addressing the challenges of a green recovery: UN supported Net Zero Banking Alliance and Insurer’s Alliance  How ready are asset owners for the green energy transition- how can they future proof their investment portfolios and to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050? What new data is required to support this transition to manage the net zero transition in domestic policy in both the US and Canada- the impact on net zero target setting and the advantages of standardised target setting   Using strategic asset allocation to manage the transition towards a 1.5c aligned portfolio can climate change risks be fully understood and integrated into the decision-making process?  Challenges with setting portfolio level climate targets in the region - will this be enough to set the stage for rapid change in line for COP26 and address the reputational risks around the “S” in ESG

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