Truvalue Labs SASB Scores & Spotlights Data

Truvalue Labs SASB Scores & Spotlights Data

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Scores Short-term, long-term & momentum external stakeholder insight scores are generated for 26 ESG categories defined by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, along with an overall score and a volume score. The SASB Codified DataFeed has 26,000+ companies, constituents of major indices including the S&P 500, the Russell 1000 and 3000, and MSCI Emerging Markets and World. ESG Ranks are also available and provide expanded coverage for a universe of public & private firms, including companies which are infrequently discussed by third-party media sources. The scores can be used to systematically identify ESG industry leaders and laggards, and easily combine TVL SASB scores with proprietary or third-party data to produce composite scores. Spotlights Truvalue SASB Spotlight Events Data Service provides key information for all major positive and negative ESG events according to the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) 26 categories for 26,000+ companies including: - Primary headline - Summary bullets - Event-based scores - Event-based volume

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